Ho un’esperienza decennale nel web design.

La mia nuova avventura è il motion design.

Puoi contattarmi scrivendo a

My Astronauts: walk cycles!

My Astronauts: walk cycles!

– EN –

I have collected 3 different works about the astronaut (and my personal logo/avatar) that I made in different moments, with differente techniques:
Photocollage + After Effects + Duik plugin
Character in Illustrator + After Effects and Rubberhose2 plugin
Cinema 4D + Octane Render and IKMAX plugin.

Enjoy 🙂

– IT –

Ho messo in fila 3 lavori a tema “Astronauta” (e il mio logo/avatar) che ho fatto in diversi momenti, con tecniche differenti

Photocollage + After Effects + Duik plugin
Character in Illustrator + After Effects and Rubberhose2 plugin
Cinema 4D + Octane Render and IKMAX plugin.

Buon divertimento 🙂

Visit the showcase on Behance


Personal project